It's never been such a blessing in my life than to know the existance of God. His blessings never stop pouring down on me. All glory and praises to Him.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sunday is another refreshing day for me as I start up my day with a great sermon and a great encouragement from Pst. Maggie. She was commenting on Abraham that he keep on failing God but God still did not give up on him. And that reminds me that even more I should not give up on myself because God will never give up on me. So, everyone that is reading this, please please, dont give up on urself ya. Just always hang on to God because He will help us through no matter what.

God has always been wonderful to me. During the night, I've got a call from a very close friend and was sharing problems with me. Very glad that my friend is willing to share with me all the personal problems. Guess that, God put us in a church because all of us can uphold each other. and right after that, Shyong and Loong called me up for a cup of tea and now they are the one that edify me. God knows that I'm "thirsty spiritually" @ the moment of time because I've just poured out so much and God wish to fill me even more with the spirit. I was so encouraged! I've learnt from them to find the purpose in my life.

What's the purpose in our life actually? Working as hard as you can and work all the way up through the corporate ladder? Getting to own your dream car or a big house? Well, we have already have our big home and nice car in heaven. Why should we still work for things that are temporary in this world? At the end of the judgement day, God is going to ask us what have we done for Him. Are we going to tell Him, I am a CEO of a particular company or are you going to tell Him I've touched lots of lives on earth. This is just a short reminder for all the Christians to invest your lives on something that is valuable in God's eye. Do ponder about this!


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